On March 31st we went to Microsoft here in Zagreb to present our new OpenDataStore Basic package. The event was imagined as an opportunity for city representatives to get new ideas on how can IT help them govern their local communities. As Microsoft partners, we got the opportunity to tell them all about our creative solutions.
ODS is a platform for giving data true power and flirting with what can be done with it. Basic package is a set of three applications:
1. ODS My City: web/mobile app for citizens to take photos, notes and submit irregularities seen around the city (garbage, broken signs, bumpy roads…)
2. ODS DataStage: web app for Data Officers that allows them to easily manage public data and publish it online, complying with all newest EU regulation
3. ODS OpenDataPortal: the name tells it all: with our help, any city can have their own page for publishing documents and datasets within 10 minutes.
Now you must be thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if every city had these apps? That’s our mission! Thankfully, city representatives at Modern Local Government Day agreed. After many requests and meetings and we look forward to do our part in creating #smartcity.
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